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Crochet Beautiful Hoodie

Crocheting a beautiful hoodie is a fantastic way to stay cozy and stylish! You can customize the colors and patterns to suit your unique taste, making it a fun and creative project. Whether you are a seasoned crocheter or just starting out, creating a hoodie can be a rewarding experience. The soft yarn and intricate stitches come together to craft a lovely garment that you can proudly wear or gift to a loved one. So, grab your hooks, pick out your favorite yarn, and let's get crocheting — you'll be snuggled up in your stunning handmade hoodie in no time!


Getting Started

FINISHED SIZE 34 3/4 (38 1/2, 43 1/4, 46 3/4, 50 1/4)" chest circumference. Garment shown measures 43 1/4", modeled with 12" ease.

YARN Berroco Ultra Alpaca Fine (50% superwash wool, 30% nylon, 20% super fine alpaca; 433 yd [400 m]/3 1/2 oz [100 g]; (1)):

#12187 seedling mix, 5 (5, 6, 7, 8) balls.

HOOK Size G/6 (4 mm). Adjust hook size if necessary to obtain correct gauge.

NOTIONS St markers (m); yarn needle.

GAUGE 25 sts and 22 rows = 4" in patt.


Hoodie body is worked from the neck down with raglan shaping in joined, turned rounds. Sleeves are worked from the armhole down, also in joined turned rounds. Hood is worked in rows from the neck up and seamed at the top.

Stitch Guide

Beginning foundation hdc corner (beg fhdc corner): Ch 4, yo, insert hook in 4th ch from hook, yo and pull up lp, yo and draw through 3 lps, yo, insert hook in same ch, yo and pull up lp, yo and draw through 3 lps, yo, insert hook in same ch, yo and pull up lp, yo and draw through 1 lp on hook (foundation ch made), yo and draw through 3 lps on hook—3 fhdc in same ch and 1 foundation ch.

Foundation hdc corner (fhdc corner): Yo, insert hook under front lp and back bump of last foundation ch made, yo and pull up lp, yo and draw through 3 lps, yo, insert hook in same ch, yo and pull up lp, yo and draw through 3 lps, yo, insert hook in same ch, yo and pull up lp, yo and draw through 1 lp on hook (foundation ch made), yo and draw through 3 lps on hook—3 fhdc in same ch and 1 foundation ch. Herringbone half double crochet (HBhdc): Yo, insert hook in indicated st, yo and draw through st and 1 lp on hook, yo and draw through 2 lps.

Herringbone half double crochet two together (HBhdc2tog): Yo, insert hook in indicated st, yo and draw through st and 1 lp on hook, yo, insert hook in next st, yo and draw through st and 1 lp on hook, yo and draw through 3 lps.

Gauge swatch

Row 1: 24 fhdc, turn.

Row 2: (RS) Ch 1, HBhdc (see above) in each st across, turn—24 sts.

Row 3: (WS) Ch 1, hdc in each st across, turn.

Rows 4-23: Rep Rows 2-3 ten times.




Rnd 1: (WS) Beg fhdc corner (see Stitch Guide), 12 fhdc, fhdc corner (see Stitch Guide), 36 (39, 42, 45, 48) fhdc, fhdc corner, 12 fhdc, fhdc corner, 36 (39, 42, 45, 48) fhdc, sl st in first st of beg fhdc corner to join, turn—108 (114, 120, 126, 132) sts: 12 sts each shoulder, 36 (39, 42, 45, 48) sts for front and back, 4 3-st corners.

Place marker (pm) in center st of each 3-st corner. Move m up as you work.

Rnd 2: (RS) Ch 1, HBhdc (see Stitch Guide) in first 37 (40, 43, 46, 49) back sts to next m, 3 HBhdc in marked st, HBhdc in next 14 shoulder sts to next m, 3 HBhdc in marked st, HBhdc in next 38 (41, 44, 47, 50) front sts to m, 3 HBhdc in marked st, HBhdc in next 14 shoulder sts, 3 HBhdc in marked st, HBhdc in next st, sl st in first HBhdc to join, turn—116 (122, 128, 134, 140) sts: 14 sts each shoulder, 38 (41, 44, 47, 50) sts for front and back, 4 3-st corners.

Rnd 3: (WS) Ch 1, hdc in first 2 sts to m, 3 hdc in marked st, hdc in next 16 sts to m, 3 hdc in marked st, hdc in next 40 (43, 46, 49, 52) sts to m, 3 hdc in marked st, hdc in next 16 sts to m, 3 hdc in marked st, hdc in next 38 (41, 44, 47, 50) sts to end, sl st in first hdc to join, turn—124 (130, 136, 142, 148) sts: 16 sts each shoulder, 40 (43, 46, 49, 52) sts for front and back, 4 3-st corners.

Rnd 4: (RS) Ch 1, *HBhdc in each st to next m, 3 HBhdc in marked st; rep from * 3 times, HBhdc in each st to end, sl st in first HBhdc to join, turn—8 sts inc'd, 2 sts each section. Rnd 5: (WS) Ch 1, *hdc in each st to next m, 3 hdc in marked st; rep from * 3 times, hdc in each st to end, sl st in first hdc to join, turn—8 sts inc'd, 2 sts each section.

Rep Rnds 4-5 fifteen (seventeen, twenty, twenty-two, twenty-four) times, then work Rnd 4 once more, ending with a RS rnd—388 (426, 480, 518, 556) sts: 82 (90, 102, 110, 118) sts each shoulder, 106 (117, 132, 143, 154) sts for front and back, 4 3-st corners. Fasten off.

Divide for body and sleeves

Fold piece in half, matching up back corner sts with front corner sts. Keep one m in each join to cont sleeve later.

With WS facing, join yarn in shoulder st before marked corner st, ch 1, *hdc in paired marked sts inserting hook through both layers (skipping shoulder sts), hdc across body sts to next marked st; rep from *, sl st in first hdc to join, turn—218 (240, 270, 292, 314) sts rem.

Rnd 1: (RS) Ch 1, HBhdc around, sl st in first HBhdc to join, turn.

Rnd 2: (WS) Ch 1, hdc around, sl st in first hdc to join, turn.

Rep Rnds 1-2 until piece measures 11 1/2 (11 3/4, 12 3/4, 13, 14 1/4)" from underarm, ending with a Rnd 2, turn.

Bottom hem:

Note: Hem is worked as two layers that are then joined.

Set-up rnd: (RS) Ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st in first sc to join, turn.


Rnd 1: (WS) Ch 2, dc flo in next st and in each st around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch-2 to join, turn.

Rnd 2: Ch 2, dc in each st around. Fasten off.


Rnd 1: With RS facing, join yarn with sl st in unused lp of first st of Set-up rnd, ch 2, dc flo in next st and in each st around, sl st in 2nd ch of beg ch-2 to join, turn.

Rnd 2: Ch 2, dc in each st around, turn.

Joining rnd: (RS) Ch 1, inserting hook under both lps of st of first hem layer in Rnd 2 and corresponding st of second hem layer in Rnd 2, hdc in next st and in each st around. Fasten off.


Rnd 1: With WS facing, join yarn with sl st through both layers as for body in a marked st, ch 1, hdc in next and each st around armhole, sl st in first hdc to join, turn—84 (92, 104, 112, 120) sts.

Rnd 2: (RS) Ch 1, HBhdc in next st, HBhdc in each st around, sl st in first HBhdc to join, turn.

Sizes 34 3/4 (38 1/2)" only:

Work 4 (2) rnds even in patt.

All sizes:

Dec rnd: (WS): Ch 1, hdc in next st, hdc2tog, hdc in each st to last 2 sts, hdc2tog, sl st in first hdc to join, turn—2 sts dec'd.

Rep Dec rnd every 6th rnd 2 (2, 0, 0, 0) times, then every 4th rnd 0 (1, 1, 1, 4) times, then every 2nd rnd 0 (0, 7, 8, 7) times, ending with a WS rnd, turn—78 (84, 86, 90, 96) sts rem.


Work same as for body bottom hem.


Row 1: With RS facing, hold piece so that yoke rnd-end seam is on back of right sleeve and not visible from front. Count 16 (17, 19, 20, 22) sts from front right raglan corner st towards center, join yarn with sl st in next ch of fhdc of yoke, HBhdc in each st around to last 4 sts, turn, leaving rem sts unworked—96 (102, 108, 114, 120) sts.

Row 2: (WS) Ch 1, hdc in each ch of fhdc, turn.

Rows 3-46 (46, 46, 50, 50): Work even in patt as est, ending with a WS row, turn. Center top back shaping:

Pm after 48th (51st, 54th, 57th, 60th) st to mark center back of hoodie. Move m up as you work.

Dec row 1: (RS): Ch 1, HBhdc in each st to last 2 sts before m, [HBhdc2tog (see Stitch Guide)] 2 times, HBhdc in each st to end, turn—2 sts dec'd.

Dec row 2: (WS) Ch 1, hdc in each st to last 2 sts before m, [hdc2tog] 2 times, hdc in each st to end, turn—2 sts dec'd.

Rep last 2 rows 3 (3, 3, 4, 5) times, ending with a WS row—80 (86, 92, 94, 96) sts rem. Work 8 (8, 8, 6, 4) rows even in patt. Fasten off, leaving a 14" tail for seaming.


Fold hood in half with RS tog, matching up top edges. With tail, sew top edge tog to close hood using mattress st, rounding off back point a bit to avoid a pointed crown.


Row 1: (RS) 300 (300, 300, 312, 312) fhdc, rotate piece to work along opposite edge in ch of foundation ch, ch 1, hdc in each ch of fhdc. Do not fasten off.

Fold piece in half with WS tog.

Row 2: With RS facing, ch 1, working through both lps of st in front row and corresponding st in back row, sc in each st across. Fasten off.


Set-up row: With RS facing, join yarn with sl st in 2nd ch of fhdc to the right from beg of hood Row 1, ch 1, sc in same and next st, then evenly work in sc along row-end edge of hood around to end, sc in last 2 open ch of fhdc, turn.

FIRST CASING WALL: Work same as for body first hem layer.

SECOND CASING WALL: Work same as for body second hem layer. Place drawstring bet the 2 casing walls to be enclosed once joining row is completed.

Joining row: Ch 1, inserting hook under both lps of st of first casing wall of Row 2 and corresponding st of second casing wall of Row 2, hdc in next st and in each st around. Fasten off.

Weave in ends. Block.

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