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Crochet Handsome Magician Doll

The Crochet Handsome Magician Doll is a charming and magical creation that is sure to bring joy to both young and old alike. Crafted with intricate detail and skill, this adorable doll is designed to enchant and delight with its dashing appearance and whimsical charm. Whether you're a fan of magic or simply appreciate fine craftsmanship, this dapper little magician will surely put a smile on your face and add a touch of whimsy to your day. So, why not bring a little enchantment into your life with the Crochet Handsome Magician Doll?


Yarn (color: balck, skin, white, brown, pink, red, gray, purple, green)

Eye accessories

Crochet hook

Toy stuffing





MR-Magic Ring

sc-single crochet



ch-chain stitch

hdc-half double crochet

ss-slip stitch

dc-double crochet


BLO-through back loops only

FLO-through front loops only

【Leg x 2,+ body】, make with black&green color

R1: 7 ch, start crocheting from the penultimate stitch, 5 sc, 3 sc, 4 sc, 1 inc (14)

R2: 1 inc, 4 sc, 3 inc, 4 sc, 2 inc (20)

R3: BLO, 20 sc

R4: (4 sc, 1 inc)*4 (24)

R5: 24 sc

R6: 7 sc, 5 dec, 7 sc (19)

R7: 6 sc, 3 dec, 7 sc (16)

R8: BLO, 16sl

R9: BLO, 16 sc

R10-18: 16 sc

The first leg: Break the yarn.

The second leg: Do not break the yarn.

Link two legs, continue to crochet the body.

R19: 16 sc, 2ch, 16 sc, 2ch (36)

R20-22: 36 sc

R23: (16 sc, 1 dec)*2 (34)

R24: 34 sc

R25: 7 sc, 1 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec, 7 sc, 1 dec (30)

R26: FLO, 30 hdc

R27: 30 sc

R28: (8 sc, 1 dec)*3 (27)

R29: 27 sc

R30: (7 sc, 1 dec)*3 (24)

R31-32: 24 sc

R33: (2 sc, 1 dec)*6 (18)

R34: BLO, 7 sc, 3 sc, BLO, 8 sc (18)

R35: 18 sc

Install two buttons, the first between rows 28-29 and the other between rows 31-32.

Crochet on R34 with green color, FLO, 18 hdc

Optional: Use chains on the left side of the body between rows 27 and 28 and between rows 26 and 27.

【Head】make with skin color

Continue crocheting around the body.

change to skin color.

R36: FLO, 18 inc (36)

R37: (5 sc, 1 inc)*6 (42)

R38: 3 sc, 1 inc, (6 sc, 1 inc)*5, 3 sc (48)

R39: (7 sc, 1 inc)*6 (54)

R40-50: 54 sc

R51: (7 sc, 1 dec)*6 (48)

R52: 3 sc, 1 dec, (6 sc, 1 dec)*5, 3 sc (42)

R53: (5 sc, 1 dec)*6 (36)

R54: 2 sc, 1 dec, (4 sc, 1 dec)*5, 2 sc (30)

R55: (3 sc, 1 dec)*6 (24)

R56: 1 sc, 1 dec, (2 sc, 1 dec)*5, 1 sc (18)


R57: (1 sc, 1 dec)*6 (12)

R58: 6 dec (6)

Eyes are installed between rows 44-45, 9 stitches apart.

Outline the outside of the eyes with a white line.

Use brown thread to embroider eyebrows, diagonally, between rows 45 and 47, 2 stitches long.

The edges of the cheeks under the eyes are crocheted with pink thread.

Use skin thread to embroider the nose between the eyes with 2 stitches.

Apply blush to your nose and under your eyes.

【Hair】make with brown color. Crochet with a crochet hook one size larger.
R1: MR 6 sc
R2: 6 inc (12)
R3: (1 sc, 1 inc)6 (18) R4: 1 sc, 1 inc, (2 sc, 1 inc)5, 1 sc (24)
Continue to crochet the hair one by one.
1)18 ch, start crocheting from the penultimate stitch, 16 hdc, 1 ss
2)1 ch, BLO, 16 hdc, 1 ss, turn
3)1 ch, BLO, 16 hdc, 1 ss, turn
4)Repeat crochet 25 times.
5)Crochet the remaining 11 rows back and forth. 1 ch, BLO, 6 hdc, 1 ss
Use a needle to sew the end to the first stitch. Glue the hair to the head, 2 stitches away from the eyes and 2 rows above the eyebrows.
Finally, glue the hair tail between R38 and R39.

【Hat】make with black&red color

Make with black color.

R1: MR 8 sc

R2: 8 inc (16)

R3: (1 sc, 1 inc)*8 (24)

R4: (3 sc, 1 inc)*6 (30)

R5: 2 sc, 1 inc, (4 sc, 1 inc)*5, 2 sc (36)

R6: (5 sc, 1 inc)*6 (42)

R7: 3 sc, 1 inc, (6 sc, 1 inc)*5, 3 sc (48)

R8: (7 sc, 1 inc)*6 (54)

R9: BLO, 54 sc

R10: BLO, 54 sc

R11-13: 54 sc

R14: (7 sc, 1 dec)*6 (48)

R15: 3 sc, 1 inc, (7 sc, 1 inc)*5, 4 sc (54)

R16: change to red color, 54 sc

R17: change to black color, FLO, 54 sc

R18-20: 54 sc

R20: change to red color, BLO, 54 sc

R21: change to black color, (5 sc, 1 inc)*9 (63)

R22: FLO, 63 hdc

R23: (8 hdc, 1 hdc inc)*7 (70)

R24: 70ss

Fix the hat on the head so that the upper end is concave and the lower end is convex.

Use a gray thread to embroider the pattern between the upper rows.

【Coat】make with red color

R1: 31 ch, start crocheting from the penultimate stitch, 30 sc

R2-19: 30 sc, turn

Crochet up the entire outline, 16 sc. Crochet at the corners, 2 inc. Crochet the same amount on the left side as well.

Sew the jacket to the body only where there are pins.

Bend the inner points to form the collar.

【Hand】x 2, make with purple&red color

make with purple color

R1: MR 6 sc

R2: (1 inc, 2 sc)*2 (8)

R3: 3 sc, 4 dc popcorn, 4 sc (8)

R4: 4 sc

change to red color

R5: BLO, (3 sc, 1 inc)*2 (10)

R6-7: 10 sc

R8: (3 sc, 1 dec)*2 (8)

R9-13: 8 sc

R14: 5 sc(Crocheted with coat)

crochet on R5 with green color, FLO, 10 sc

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