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Crochet Two-color Scrubbies

Crochet Two-color Scrubbies are a fun and practical way to add a pop of color to your cleaning routine. Whether you're a seasoned crocheter or just starting out, these scrubbies are a great project for all skill levels. By using two colors, you can create a vibrant and eye-catching design that will brighten up your kitchen or bathroom. Not only are they stylish, but they are also eco-friendly and can be reused again and again. Imagine the satisfaction of using something handmade every day while reducing waste — it's a win-win! So grab your crochet hook, pick out your favorite yarn colors, and get ready to whip up some delightful scrubbies that will make chores a little more enjoyable.

What you will need:

  • medium weight 100% cotton
  • tulle on a 6 inch spool
  • a size H (5 mm) crochet hook
  • scissors

About the yarn

So little cotton yarn is needed that you can use up some of those little leftover balls that you didn’t have the heart to toss out but didn’t know what else you could do with them. If you live in the U.S., the most common cotton yarn would be Peaches & Creme (Pisgah Yarn & Dying Co) or Sugar 'n Cream (Lily brand).

About the tulle:

You can purchase spools of 6-inch high tulle in craft stores (often in the wedding aisles) or in some fabric stores that carry wedding fabrics and accessories. To make this project you will need to work with 3-inch wide tulle. A good way to achieve the width is to cut the whole spool in half using an electric knife to go straight through the tulle and the cardboard tube. Now you have two halves of just the right width to make LOTS of scrubbies.

Pictured below are the two halves of one six-inch spool of tulle (some tulle was already used from the right half and that is why it is not a full as the other one.

To cut, I take my electric knife out on the porch, lay the spool on its side and cut. Of course I would be careful only to cut the spool and not the porch! If I have to, I turn the spool over and finish cutting from the other side to the center.

I have tried purchasing tulle by the yard and then cutting but it’s very difficult to keep the netting straight and try to cut even strips. Basically, you wind up with bits of netting all over, uneven strips and having to join with new strips every round or so. Tulle by the spool (hey that rhymes) is the easiest. After cutting, you just keep using it off the half spool kind of like you would crochet with a skein or ball—you just keep crocheting.

Okay, so, let’s get started.

Side A, the tulle side

Begin: With the H hook, either ch 4 and join to make a circle or crochet a magic loop. Ch 1.

Round 1: 9 sc into the circle. Join with a sl st. Ch 1.

Round 2: 2 sc in each stitch around. Join with a sl st. Ch 1

Round 3: Sc in the first st and in the following st. (2 sc in the next st, sc in next 2 sts )* repeat from * around. Join with a sl st. Ch 1.

Round 4: Sc in the same st, sc in the next 2 sts. (2 sc in the next st, then sc in next 3 sts)* repeat from * around. Ch 1.
Round 5: Sc in the same st, (2 sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in the next 5 sts)* repeat from * around. Join with a sl st. Ch 1. Leave a 3-inch tulle tail and secure it. No need to cut it any shorter as you can tuck this in later.

Side B, the cotton, two-color side

Begin: With Color A and the H hook, either ch 4 and join to make a circle or crochet a magic loop. Ch 1.

Round 1: 10 hdc into the circle. Join with a sl st. Ch 2.

Round 2: 2 hdc into each stitch. Join with a sl st.

Round 3: Join Color B. Ch 2, 1 hdc into the same st, then (1 hdc in the next st, 2 hdc in the following st)* repeat from * around.

Using your tapestry needle, secure your cotton yarn ends on the back. Make sure NOT to cut Color A as you will be using this yarn to make the edging going through both sides to make your scrubby.


With wrong sides facing, match the tulle and cotton sides of the scrubby. I have been crocheting with the tulle side toward me but it is strictly personal preference which way you want to crochet the edging. Tuck in the 3-tulle yarn tail.
Crocheting through both the tulle and the cotton sides to join, crochet the following simple scalloped edging.

Using Color A cotton yarn that is still attached, ch 2, then hdc in the same starting point. (Sl st in the next st and 3 hdc in the following st)* repeat from * around. You will complete the edging by crocheting one last hdc into your starting st to complete that scallop. This final hdc into your starting scallop makes a seamless ending.

Cut your yarn. Using your tapestry needle secure your final yarn tail.

All done!

A little tip:

When I use a scrubby, I make sure to squeeze out the extra water and then I pull the cotton side up to allow more air to get inside. I do this to make sure that my scrubby stays fresh and doesn't get sour. Another possibility to ensure aeration is to put a little ball of tulle inside between the two layers before joining with your edging.

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